Saturday, September 12, 2015

Weekend Fun! (September 5th and 6th)

Last weekend was quite fun and packed with activities, so I figured I'd make a quick post about it so I can share some of the many pics I took. On Saturday, I got to take a day trip with my host mom and host sister to Wiesbaden, which is the capital of Hessen. We walked all over downtown, saw the very impressive landtag (parliament building), and found a bunch of geocaches.
Hessischer Landtag

Cute sheep display in front of a store selling woolen goods!

Adorable red squirrel!  

Marktkirche (Market Church)

On Sunday, I took a nearly 50 km bike ride with my host parents! I'm used to walking long distances, but I never bike much back home. Needless to say, my legs were pretty sore by the end! Our destination was the "Lammertzhof feiert fest" at Bioland (an organic farm and market) in Kaarst. Luckily, it was pretty much perfect weather for biking. Not too hot, not too cold, and a nice amount of cloud cover, There were a couple moments during the ride when it seemed like a downpour was on the horizon, but it only sprinkled a couple of times. The festival had lots of yummy food, music, interesting things to look at, and a cool tour which specifically focused on the beehives that they have there. Here's some photos! 
Heart-shaped waffle samples. <3

Cool felted stuff! 

"First try, then buy." 

Honey bees at the entrance to the hive. 

The bee hive! 

My amazing berry crumble. :)

Bee artwork!

Fresh eggs and recycled chicken artwork. :D

Also, I've got some fun plans for this and upcoming weekends as well! Tomorrow, I'm going on a 20 km canoe trip with my host family, near Koblenz. In 3 weeks, it'll be herbst ferien (fall vacation). To kick off the two week break I'm going to Köln for the party that GIVE (my exchange organization) holds for returnees and current inbound students. I'm really excited because I'll get to see many of my friends from language camp and D.C., and also meet lots of German returnees who went abroad within the past few years. :)

That's all for now!


  1. Wow, great job Dana! That looks like lots of work and fun! Wonderful photos.
