Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mein Geburtstag in Köln!

Yesterday (Saturday) I got to cook my first American food for my host family! My mom sent some amazing Dakin Farms pancake mix and maple syrup over from Vermont a couple of weeks ago, and my host family and I decided that my birthday would be the perfect occasion to have them on. I have to admit, I was a bit worried that I'd somehow manage to ruin them, but they actually turned out great! I enjoyed them very much, and I think everyone else did as well. :)

Also that morning, my host family surprised me with some wonderful gifts and a delicious cake!

After presents, we headed off to the train station to go to Cologne for the day! Once we arrived at the Cologne Hauptbahnhof, our first stop was the Kölner Dom (Cologne Cathedral). It was super busy, so we decided to save climbing to the top (500 + stairs) for another day). The architecture and size of the cathedral was absolutely amazing though. Being inside it made me feel absolutely tiny.

Next we went over to the Hohenzollern Bridge (known for the love locks) to search for a geocache that has been found over 8,000 times. We looked for quite some time, and were eventually joined by another geocacher who was also searching for it. After approximately 30-40 minutes, we found it!

Then we did sort of a walking tour of the city, checking out various sites and finding more geocaches along the way.

Overall, it was a fantastic day! I can't wait to go back to Cologne and explore more. I think I'm going to go again sometime in the next couple of weeks with my language camp. :)


  1. We're so glad you enjoyed the pancakes and maple syrup, from Vermont! I knew you'd do a great job making the pancakes Dana! What a wonderful birthday treat to get to tour Koln with your host family!
